So excited we got to chat with The Tubes lead singer and songwriter Fee Waybill! We’ve been singing “She’s a Beauty” ever since. Grab your tickets to see this truly entertaining band at Infinity Hall Hartford on December 13th before they’re gone.
Now, put some Tubes on your playlist and enjoy our interview with Fee Waybill…

What can people expect when they come to see The Tubes perform at Infinity Hall?
Great musicianship. It’s interactive, people sing along with us. This tour we’re doing one of our best albums, in my opinion, “The Completion Backward Principle”. The show opens with “Talk to Ya Later,” and we go through the entire album. Then we do another hour of favorites, “Mondo Bondage,” and of course, “She’s a Beauty.” I’ll be doing about six costume changes!

Looking back, what stands out as the most memorable moment of your career?
One of them was sitting down for the first time with David Foster and realizing this guy is brilliant.
Another was in 1983 when we had a big hit with “She’s a Beauty”. We went out on tour with David Bowie. It was David Bowie, The Tubes, and the opening act was Peter Gabriel. Every night was a packed stadium of 75,000 people. Every night it was all I could do to reel it in and not throw up!

Does the band have any pre or post-show rituals?
We all have a couple of shots of whatever the liquor is of choice. Roger and I have a shot of Maker’s Mark, the others like tequila. The five of us sit there and have a toast. We bond.
After the show, and we’ve done this for years and years, is we have a meet and greet with the audience. We hang out, we sign vinyl and take selfies, never-ending selfies.

If you hadn’t have become a musician, what do you think your career would have been?
I wanted to be an oceanographer…I’m still very interested in the ocean and the health of the sea. Or, I would have been a cowboy.
If you could choose anyone, who would you like to record a duet with?
Chrissie Hynde. I love Bonnie Raitt too.
What’s one piece of advice you wish you could tell your “younger” self now?
Don’t give up on your dreams!

What’s your porn star name (childhood pet name + mother’s maiden name)?
Big Waldo Champion or Robby Fongiolo if we’re going with your method!
Thanks for the chat, Fee!
I really enjoyed it! I loved your questions, no one has asked me any of those questions before. Come see the show! [We did, and it was amazing!]
Photos provided by Wolfson Entertainment