When our new gal pal Gina Duckworth cordially invited us to the Next Artists Fashion Week Beauty Lounge (spearheaded by Gina and her team) we cordially replied, “YES, PLEASE!!” An afternoon of complimentary services provided by the Next Artists team (best in the biz) including makeup, manicures, cryo facials, massages, and so much more, along with the most amazing goodie bags – well, do you know us?!
Enjoy our photo diary of the time we spent in the super glossy and glitzy lounge at FTL Moda’s NYFW venue, Space 404 (404 10th Avenue to be exact). After a beautiful, but oh so hot, muggy, and mobbed, walk along the Highline, this place was a breath of fresh air and a spoonful of sugar all rolled up in one!

We dove right in and had ourselves a little face mask action. It felt so good to feel the grime of NYC lifted from our face with these Erno Laszlo hydrogel masks. So what if we looked a little Hannibal Lecteresque – we’re firming and lifting right in front of your very eyes!

Next…we quite literally chilled out; eyes shut, cool wisps of cryotherapy liquid nitrogen soothing our brows and reducing inflammation, leaving our faces with a nice tight and alert feeling…when we woke up!

Here, we split. Gina guided me over to the manicure table to meet a manicurist showcasing the latest in nail polish fashion, Zoya. And then my calm floating feeling went away…who finds picking a color the hardest thing to do?! Anyone?

I opted for a special sparkle layered over my already (and pretty freshly done) blue gel nails. Fine by me, I had major ants in my pants looking at all the activity going on around me! Beautiful people being beautified by the best. So fun!!

Over on the other side of the lounge, Lora took a rare breather from updating our social media with all the happenings. Blogging is not all fun and games you know! We have to post something different for FB, Insta, Twit, InstaStory. We don’t use Snapchat. Well, we do, but just for the voice-changer-two-at-a-time characters.
I loved Lora’s makeup so much I asked artist Nevio Ragazzini if he wouldn’t mind giving me a quick touch up. He very kindly did and we both felt so purty we went straight to the step and repeat for some posing action!

Nevio gave us a realllly great product tip which we have both since run out and bought and added to our forever makeup bags. Curious? We’ll share the love…
It’s Makeup Forever Aqua 3c lip liner. So subtle, easy to apply, and so makes your lips look bigger and luscious! We just turned into beauty bloggers!?
Hey, ever wondered what your face looks like when you’re having a really good chair massage?

I can’t remember if this is a selfie or if Lora thought this was a good thing to document…

With Gina Duckworth – Director at Next Artists

Model Daniela Braga enjoying the night (shot by Gina! Lora was busy being pampered in makeup….lol)

Host Melanie Sutrathada

David Lopez, host and the brand ambassador of T3 Hair Tools

….And the goodie bag to end all goodie bags!
A huge thanks to Gina, her awesome team, and to all who pampered us!
Pics: Lora (and some by Gina and Bev!) Words: Bev